Discgolf 013
Discgolf013 has existed since 2021. The club has developed this great 18 holes course in the Stadsbos013. It’s an open course, so everybody can enjoy it.
What we like to achieve is a fun enviroment for everybody and help eachother getting better in disc golf. As a clubmember you have access to a private WhatsApp group to get in touch with other members, but we also use the Socie app where updates are shared. Together we are trying to keep the 18 holes course in a great state.
Besides those activities the club also maintains contact with the dutch frisbee associtation, the municipality of Tilburg, Stadsbos013 and organizes intern competitions.
There is a yearly double tournament with prizes and an awesome challenge cup. The last double tournament in oktober 2021 was a great success. In the future the club wants to organize way more competitions. In march 2022 we will introduce the bagtag system. A great system for the competitive members!
At this moment our regular club round is on Sundays.
The round will start on the following times:
– Sunday around 10 am
-Sunday around 13 am
In the summer wednesday will be added as an extra moment.
We use the socie app to see who is participating on the weekly moments and most of the times in the WhatsApp group people post how late they will arrive on the course.
In 2021 we already had 53 clubmembers. 50 of those re-registered for 2022. The club is growing and growing! Feel free to ask us for more information and hope to see you aswell on the course!

The winners of the double tournament 2021
Stephan Schnabel-Brehmer en Grete Brehmer (Father & Daughter)